• Retrain

    Retrain the muscle memory

  • Regain

    Regain your muscle strength and function

  • Restore

    Restore your body movements and change your quality of life!


What if you were told that your chronic pain is not because of genetics, age, past/present injuries, or the activities you do?

Posture Solutions Therapy believes your pain is because you have lost Proper Postural Alignment!

Welcome! So happy you are interested in learning more about finding the root cause! 👏

Meet Vita Zagorodny, BS, AET

Freeing people from pain has become a full-time passion for me since 2014. I have always been interested in how the human body works and how it has the unique ability to heal itself. Graduating from Georgia State University with a Kinesiology/ Bachelors of Science degree, my path in life changed when I was introduced to the Egoscue Method while living in Atlanta, GA. I realized this method was about changing peoples lives! When someone is in pain or cannot find answers to why their body is not functioning properly, their quality of life shifts. I realized i wanted to be that person who helps people change their lives by getting to be painfree! I decided to get certified by the Egoscue University and pursue my dream of continuing to help others rid themselves of pain. After working in Atlanta for a few years, my husband and I decided to move to Chattanooga. I was born in Vinnitsa, Ukraine but grew up in Chattanooga. We wanted to start our own family while living close to my family. I now have the perfect opportunity to bring the Egoscue Method/Posture Therapy to the Chattanooga area. I am excited to continue expanding my business and connecting with the community. My husband and I have 3 beautiful children. We love exploring our local hiking spots and camping any chance we get.

I have been blessed to find my passion early in life and I hope to continue to help others live a healthy and painfree life!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Cor 3:23



What makes Posture Therapy so Unique? Posture therapy focuses on your body as a whole by treating the underlying cause of your pain and injuries. Many types of chronic pain and injuries are caused by the slow deterioration of your posture and the only way to get complete, long-lasting pain relief is by correcting your postural imbalances through exercise therapy.

The body is designed to work as a cohesive unit. Every muscle and joint has a specific function. There are four loading joints- Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Ankles. Each joint needs to line up directly above and below. The body weight needs to distribute evenly on all the joints. When everything is in alignment, the joints, bones and muscles can all work together in proper function.

When the body is no longer working together, because of joint misalignment, issues will occur and produce pain.

Focusing on just the symptomatic area will generally give short term relief. When you begin to take a look at the whole body and figure out the root cause of the pain/symptom, you will create change that will create long term pain relief. 

Posture Therapy gives you the tools (specific posture exercises and stretches) to start correcting your posture and eliminating your pain for good.

One thing that sets Posture Therapy apart, is that it is a very individualized and relationship based therapy. You will work one on one with Vita to to help you better understand and trust your body, identify the source of your pain, and regain control so that you can live free of the pain and the beliefs associated with it.


YES! You can get rid of chronic pain and reset your body. LEARN how you can CHANGE your body and get back to doing what you ENJOY!

Postural Solutions effectively targets and eliminates chronic pain such as:

Back Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Migraines, Sciatic Pain, Tennis Elbow, TMJ, Wrist Pain, Degenerative disc issues, Herniated Discs, Foot,Ankle Pain, Plantar Fasciitis 

Tired of Dealing with Chronic Pain?


and Get the Answers you deserve!


“A pain free, active lifestyle is not only possible, but it is the way you should expect to feel and live, no matter your age, no matter your previous experience.” — Pete Egoscue

Click here to get a PDF file of the Pilot Study from Stanford on how effective the Egoscue Method is with dealing with chronic pain!
